Lori Friedman Lori Friedman

Masculine Flower Arrangements

Masculine flower arrangements tend to have a bold, structured aesthetic with strong lines, earthy tones, and unique textures. Here are some ideas for creating a masculine floral design.

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Lori Friedman Lori Friedman

Slow Down. Smell the Roses

Slow down and….smell the roses.  When we slow down, we can see the details. We can feel connected to our own body, our mind, with the people in our life and with the world around us.  Slowing down gives us a chance to take a moment to appreciate all the gifts in your life at this very moment.  A gentle reminder to: Be present. Be grateful. Be beautiful.

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Let make something beautiful together.

If you’ve arrived here from my original blog, Flowers For the People, welcome! That blog has now been integrated into Brown With Flowers, where my passion for flowers, furniture and feng shui come together.